
We use state of the art equipment founded in biological medicine that provides data on how well your body regulates.

Heart Rate Variability

HRV measures your body's ability to respond to our dynamic world. Our bodies thrive when they can easily move between the sympathetic and parasympathetic states. Greater variability means your autonomic nervous system is functioning well and that you are more resilient to stress. Lower variability indicates that your body may be struggling to adapt and regulate, and may be more susceptible to the negative effects of stress.

Nitric Oxide

Nitric Oxide (NO), is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that assists in oxygenation. Nitric oxide testing measures how well your body retains and absorbs oxygen and healthy blood flow, and tells us if your nutritional pattern is nitric oxide deficient.

pH Balance

pH Measures the balance of acidity and alkalinity, and is key to healthy biology. Water's neutral pH is measured at 7.0, with acidity increasing as you move towards lower numbers than 7, and alkalinity increasing as you move towards higher numbers than 7. The pH scale is measured logarithmically, meaning a measurement of 6.0 is ten times more acidic than neutral water, and a reading of 5.0 is 100X more acidic than neutral water.

Did you know that the reference ranges listed on the lab report are just averages of the population? Unfortunately, as our population’s health continues to decline, these reference ranges get wider and wider. This means your labs could say you are in the “normal” range, but that doesn’t mean it’s optimal!

A common experience we see with our patients is this…

They don’t feel good and are struggling with odd health symptoms, so they go to their doctor to get blood work done. But then the labs come back “normal” and their doctor says that nothing is wrong! How frustrating!

However, optimal ranges are much narrower. When you look at blood work through this alternative lens, it becomes clear why they are not feeling vital. Blood work can show us red flags and point to a pathway that leads back to health.

Functional Blood Chemistry Review

Toxic Load Questionnaire

Our comprehensive Toxic Load Questionnaire helps identify the toxicity carried in your body. Toxicity is rampant in our modern world due to the personal care products we use, water we drink, air we breathe, technology we use, and food we eat. Understanding what your body is up against is key in creating a plan to move forward towards vitality.

Personalized Experience

When you arrive at BioVital, you will meet with one of our Vitality Consultants to discuss your goals and assess the biological conditions that may be causing symptoms or illness.

This is an interactive process that begins with understanding where you are on your health journey and empowers you to take charge of your health.

During the consultation, together we will learn how to best approach vitality treatments and design a customized plan, including our healing modalities and Vital Actions you can practice at home.