Functional Blood Chemistry Review in Denver

Blood work is an underutilized tool to give insight into the health of your body and clues as to what is interfering with your health. Looking at a blood work panel through a functional lens can help explain what’s going on in your body and point towards steps you can take to bring your body back into balance.

Did you know that the reference ranges listed on the lab report are just averages of the population? Unfortunately, as our population’s health continues to decline, these reference ranges get wider and wider. This means your labs could say you are in the “normal” range, but that doesn’t mean it’s optimal!

A common experience we see with our patients is this…

They don’t feel good and are struggling with odd health symptoms, so they go to their doctor to get blood work done. But then the labs come back “normal” and their doctor says that nothing is wrong! How frustrating!

However, optimal ranges are much narrower. When you look at blood work through this alternative lens, it becomes clear why they are not feeling vital. Blood work can show us red flags and point to a pathway that leads back to health.

Normal Isn’t Optimal

  • Parasites

  • Heavy metals

  • Mold toxicity

  • Chronic viral or bacterial infections

  • Toxin exposures

  • Liver, kidney, gut function

  • Thyroid health

  • Mitochondrial function

  • Nutritional deficiencies

Bloodwork Patterns Can Reflect…

How it Works…

Advanced Vitality Consult

During this 60 minute in-depth consult, our Vitality Specialist will sit down with you and gain an understanding of your health history and vitality goals. This consultation is very thorough and covers toxin exposures, nutrition, nervous system health, gut health, detoxification habits, sleep, and any symptoms you are experiencing.


Blood Work Panel Draw

Our Vitality Specialist will order a comprehensive lab panel for you. You will take this lab requisition to any Lab Corp near you, and the results will be sent back to us. Our Vitality Specialist will dedicate time to reviewing your labs to look for red flags outside of the optimal range, and create a customized protocol based on this information.


Blood Work Review

Finally, you will meet with your Vitality Specialist for another 45-60 minutes to go over your blood work and the protocol that was created for you. Lifestyle, nutrition, and supplement recommendations will be tailored to your specific circumstances, and focus on addressing the root cause of your symptoms.


Meet Your Vitality Specialist

Ashlyn Burnett

NBCHWC, Integrative Health BS, MBCE

Ashlyn has a degree in Integrative Healthcare, is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and trained in master blood chemistry. Her own chronic health issues led to her exploring holistic modalities, and now is deeply passionate about addressing the root cause of illness through mind, body, and spirit. She helps guide our members through intentional and customized protocols to support the body in removing toxins and balancing the nervous system so they can return to a place of vitality.